CARMA webcast – Jan 25

The Martha and Spencer Love School of Business will host the viewing of the following CARMA Consortium Webcasts on Friday, Jan. 25 in KoBC 204:

12:00 p.m. “Moderated Mediation” presented by Dr. Jose Cortina (George Mason University)

Abstract: As our models become more complex, the theoretical and methodological requirements of our research increase. One example of this phenomenon is moderated mediation. 20 years ago, such models were almost unheard of. In the 2010 and 2011 volumes of JAP and AMJ alone, there have been 63 examples. Unfortunately, our understanding of the justification and testing of such models has not kept up with our desire to propose them. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss some of the common problems associated with justifying and testing moderated mediation models as well as the strategies that we might use to overcome these problems.

1:30 p.m. “Statistical and Methodological Myths and Urban Legends” presented by Dr. Robert Vandenberg (University of Georgia)

Abstract: The objective of this webcast is to provide a review of commonly undertaken methodological and statistical practices in the research process that are sustained, in part, upon sound rationale and justification and, in part, upon unfounded lore. The set of topics selected for this webcast represent a small segment of those published (23) or are slated to be published (15 forthcoming) in another book by Charles Lance and Robert Vandenberg. Specifically, the practices that are discussed are themselves not necessarily intrinsically faulty. Rather, it is often the reasoning why or rationalization used to justify the practices that is questionable. Historically, there is a kernel of truth to most of these research practices, but in many cases that truth has been long forgotten or ignored. Th us, the application of the practices is based on legend. There are all kinds of deleterious side effects to this, not the least of which may be the unfair evaluation of a manuscript against criteria that are mythical in nature or the application of the criteria in undertaking some aspect of the research process resulting in a finished study of questionable quality. The overall end result, however, is a degradation of the whole research process. This webcast will examine several such practices.

The CARMA Consortium Webcast Program provides university faculty, graduate students, and other researchers with advanced training in research methods and data analysis. For more information about CARMA and the Consortium Webcast Program, visit the CARMA website at