Howard Katz co-authors Constitutional Law textbook

“Constitutional Law: Cases in Context,” coauthored Georgetown Law Center Professor Randy E. Barnett and Elon Law Professor Howard E. Katz was published by Wolters Kluwer in June.

Excerpts from the publisher’s summary of the book follow:

“‘Constitutional Law: Cases in Context’ places primary emphasis on the story of how constitutional law has developed, its foundational principles, and recurring debates, rather than focusing simply on doctrinal details.” 

“Generous case excerpts make the text flexible for most courses, no matter the ideology or interpretative method. Cases are judiciously supplemented with background readings from various sources.” 

“‘Constitutional Law: Cases in Context’ represents rival interpretations of the Constitution by founders, presidents, and other critics of the Court’s decisions better than do many other casebooks. Study guide questions before each case help students focus on the salient issues, challenge them to consider the court’s opinions from various perspectives, suggest comparisons or connections with other cases, and invite the student to think about recurring foundational principles and debates.”

“The Second Edition welcomes Howard E. Katz, of Elon University and co-author of ‘Strategies and Techniques of Law School Teaching: A Primer for New (and Not So New) Professors.’ 

Additional details are available here.

More information about Elon Law Professor Howard Katz is available here.