Katy Rouse writes op-ed for The Cincinnati Enquirer

Assistant professor of economics Katy Rouse discusses her research and thoughts on year-round school in the Sept. 15, 2013, edition of The Cincinnati Enquirer.

The op-ed on year-round school appears as part of a larger editorial piece titled, “Debate: Should kids go to school year-round?” The editorial features four separate op-eds, each presenting a different opinion on the question.  In her op-ed, Rouse explains how the academic impact of a re-distributive year-round school calendar is ambiguous and discusses her research that shows little overall effect of the calendar on achievement. Rouse also cites her research findings that show the multi-track model of the calendar to be effective in partially offsetting the negative impacts of school crowding and suggests the calendar could be a good policy when used as a cost-effective alternative to new school construction.  However, she warns policymakers that the calendar is not a magic solution to summer learning loss.  

See http://news.cincinnati.com/interactive/article/20130915/EDIT01/130913028/Debate-Should-kids-go-school-year-round- to read the op-ed in full.