Respond to strong faculty concerns regarding salary and other budget issues.
Increase transparency and faculty understanding of the University budget process.
Call for updated progress reports on the faculty/staff salary improvement plan.
Ask faculty representatives on the Budget Committee to provide regular updates to Academic Council.
Enhance faculty awareness of how the budget is constructed and how budgetary decisions regarding salaries, faculty and student scholarship support, student financial aid, and facilities are made.
Address the significant faculty concern expressed regarding teaching/course load.
Use the report and recommendations from the Task Force on Reassigned Time to facilitate discussions regarding these concerns.
Support the continuing work of the President’s Diversity Council.
Provide support for the University’s diversity initiatives.
Encourage faculty leadership in this area.
Engage in an ongoing dialogue with Staff Council regarding diversity issues in the broader campus community.
Ask each standing committee to reflect on diversity-related work and initiatives in their year-end reports.
Continue to support the recently revised Student Perceptions of Teaching form.
Work with the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs to develop formal guidelines governing how evaluation data is stored and made available.
Work with CATL to facilitate the use of evaluation methods that go “beyond the form.”
Continue work on all three task forces outstanding from 2011-2012.
Bring recommendations from the Task Force on Reassigned Time to the full faculty; implement recommendations where appropriate.
Evaluate recommendations from the Task Force on the Promotion and Tenure Process in the fall; bring to faculty and begin implementation. Consider the recommendations from the Task Force on Service in relation to the work of the P & T Task force.
Evaluate recommendations from the Task Force on the Role of the Department Chair; bring to faculty.
Continue work on Council’s committee structure.
Evaluate advisory committees.
Increase transparency of task force membership.
Support process for interdisciplinary proposals submitted to school/division curriculum committees.
Support dialogue about graduate school membership on standing committees.