
The purpose of the Best Life: Health & Wellness Student Directed Learning Community (SDLC) is to promote a balance between mental and physical health within the SDLC and in the larger neighborhood in which the SDLC is located. Community members will promote active and healthy living by using their various talents and passions to ensure we are living our best lives through weekly meetings on various topics, participation in health and wellness activities and supporting campus initiatives. We hope our SDLC will start to transform our campus to one where students take time to promote general well-being and care.

Where is it?

The Best Life: Health and Wellness Student Directed Learning Community is located in Trollinger House, which is expanded housing for East Neighborhood. The house is located at 201 W. Trollinger and is an old church converted into student housing. The home can accommodate up to 15 sophomores, juniors, and seniors in the Best Life SDLC.


  • Great skill development in event planning
  • Ability to teach your passion related to health and wellness
  • Build lasting friendships
  • Engage in monthly activities as a group


Members of the community are expected to plan and lead one event per year. Periodic meetings will be held within the community.

How do I apply?

Application for 2018-2019 is now open and due February 11th at 11:59p.m. Fill out an application here.

Contact information

Student Program Coordinator: Quinn Martin

Student Program Coordinator: Kara Redcay: