Plan for and conduct a successful summer 2007 ANAC Conference
Prepare a program on teaching-learning issues to showcase CATL
Explore simultaneous meetings of ANAC affinity groups
Reemphasize innovative and engaged teaching/learning practices
Create more opportunities to be public about teaching and learning practices and innovations, both through University-wide programs and through department/school-based initiatives
Enhance peer mentoring for teaching/learning
Explore and publicize current practices and experiences with peer mentoring at Elon
Highlight effective models of peer mentoring – from Elon and around the country
Design and implement department and/or school-based mentoring programs
Expand and deepen interdisciplinary peer mentoring programs/opportunities
II. Academic Programming initiatives
Implement recommendations of the Academic and Social Honor Code Study Groups regarding the Honor Code
Prepare a fall pledge-signing ceremony for all new students
Revise honor pledge, combining academic and social into one pledge.
Implement external 5-year reviews for Education; Health Education; Physical Education; Art/Fine Arts/Digital Art; Biology; English; Human Services; Psychology; International Studies; Women and Gender Studies
Revise the current assessment plan of General Studies. In preparation attend Summer 2006 AAC&U Institute on General Studies
Develop and implement effective departmental assessment policies and procedures related to student learning outcomes
Identify 5 to 7 departments to investigate their assessment procedures related to learning outcomes
Conduct workshop with department faculty that clearly defines goals, objectives, and assessment instruments
For each department, establish direct forms of measuring learning outcomes
Re-envision the ELR by exploring ways to deepen and expand the Elon Experiences
Continue to internationalize the campus
Further develop Costa Rica as an Elon center including program development and physical location possibilities
Investigate potential future international Elon centers (e.g., Australia and Italy)
Pursue development of financial aid for study abroad (grants, scholarships, gifts)
Develop student-learning outcomes for study abroad
Establish a sound and innovative first-year Law Program
Incorporate leadership development experience into first-year student orientation
Develop and conduct Winter Term mastery program based on fall law classes
Develop the country’s first preceptor program (mentoring by practicing attorneys)
Prepare for 2007 ABA accreditation inspection visit
Conduct self-study; provide responses to ABA inspection questionnaire; conduct mock ABA inspection
Recruit six additional faculty
Enroll the second law school class of 100-110 students with 153 LSAT average
Continue to pursue integration of Elon and Greensboro campuses
Conduct successful SACS substantive change visit – Spring 2007
Continue steps toward national recognition of academic programs
Continue the journey to earning Phi Beta Kappa
Submit application – October 31
Explore new ways to increase students with a major or minor in the Arts and Sciences
Host successful NCATE/SDPI accreditation visit, spring 2007
Develop new academic programs and strengthen existing ones
Submit curriculum proposals for new majors in Music Technology and Crime and Justice Studies
Continue to explore development of new majors or programs in Arts Administration, Engineering Management, Sport Communications, and Master of Science Accounting
Improve Pre-Med and Pre-Health Professions Program – enhance brochure and web page; investigate need for MCAT prep course
Launch a prestigious Pre-Law program that includes specific completion requirements, a mock-trial team, a living learning community
Develop an Academic Service Learning Scholars Program in concert with the Kernodle Center
Strengthen the academic climate and the first-year experience by continuing to develop living learning communities
Work to meet the immediate needs of existing communities (such as space and budget)
Obtain action plans from all current living learning communities
Work to enable some living learning communities to have a common GST 110 class in the fall of 2006
Send team to a national conference to learn more about effective living learning communities
Work with deans to develop long-term plans for substantive upgrades to and development of new and creative living learning communities
Foster increased intellectual and scholarly activity of faculty
Increase funding to FR&D for additional sabbaticals and summer research stipends
Propose a plan for allocating start-up resources for new faculty
Work with CATL to propose course development funding opportunities
Support and reward grant writing efforts of faculty
Prepare for and conduct a campus-wide academic summit in fall 2006. Use responses to produce an “academic action plan” for enhancing the academic challenge at Elon
Enhance the quality of student learning by investigating the reduction of class size from 33 to 30 and reducing part-time from approximately 25% toward 15%
Pilot a plan for student-taught co-curricular courses during Winter Term
Identify possible range of topics and time frames (2-5 days; 1-1½ hours/day)
Recruit students to offer the mini-courses
Promote the program in the Winter Term booklet
Clarify the criteria and develop a process to achieve a top 50 undergraduate Business School ranking
III. Academic Support Initiatives
Review recommendations of consultant related to composition of the deans’ and AAC, discuss options, and determine appropriate actions
Prepare formal proposal to raise number of SURE students to 60 over 5 years; present feasibility study for an online journal of undergraduate research
Re-envision the structure of Elon 101
Develop acquisition/replacement cycle for instructional equipment
Inventory existing equipment and estimate remaining useful life
Prioritize acquisition/replacement needs
Develop budget proposal plan based on priorities
Explore development of alternative engagement and learning spaces
Survey departments, programs, deans, advisors of living learning communities, etc. about customizing/enhancing both formal and informal spaces to strengthen student engagement and learning
Re-envision the role of Numen-Lumen
Develop a proposal to create a Conference and Events Coordination Office that would:
Serve as a central information point for conferences/events at Elon
Assist with planning and logistics of summer camps, conferences and workshops held at Elon
Assist with planning and logistics of fall/winter/spring on-campus conferences
Maximize effectiveness of relationships between academic entities and Institutional Advancement
Clarify and define role of liaisons and deans
Investigate such relationships at aspirant schools
Clarify roles of advisory boards and deans with respect to fund raising
Develop a plan for support and operation of domestic travel courses
Define “domestic travel course”
Determine office support needs
Develop plan to strengthen programs and practices related to the Senior Year Experience, including raising the profile of Career Services to maximize its effectiveness.
Develop an academic affairs pandemic flu plan.
Work with the Center for Leadership Development to enhance the ODK Awards Ceremony
Explore funding opportunities for graduate student research support.
Clarify the criteria and develop a process to achieve a national reputation for Belk Library