Complete implementation of Academic Summit recommendations
Develop a plan to ensure Elon’s continued national leadership in international education, including submission of recommendations for the future of the Costa Rica program and for an Elon center in Italy
Submit Phi Beta Kappa application October 1, 2007 and host a successful site visit in spring 2008
Prepare Elon’s School of Law for a successful ABA visit and support continued development
Complete self study and host a successful ABA visit in fall 2007
Support the development of the Law School’s new Center for Engaged Learning in
Legal Education
Recruit additional faculty
Enroll third class of students with 154 LSAT average
Further develop the Leadership component of Elon’s Law program
Develop new academic programs and strengthen existing ones
Submit curriculum proposal for new major in Arts Administration and a fifth year master’s program in Communications
Finalize Criminal Justice program
Implement Pre-Law certificate program
Continue to enhance Pre-Med program
Appoint task force to explore Entrepreneurship Across the Curriculum
Develop proposal for new interdisciplinary science initiatives through the work of the Long Range Planning Committee
Establish domestic programs that support student internships in New York City, Los Angeles and other cities (institutional priority = Establish programs that support student internships in New York City, Los Angeles, and other U. S. cities)
Continue development of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning into a national model of excellence
Develop the annual August Teaching Conference into a regional conference
Successfully launch the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation’s funded Scholarship of Teaching and Learning seminar for Elon faculty and ABSS teachers
Deepen Elon’s leadership in the Carnegie Foundation initiative on student voices in the scholarship of teaching and learning
Complete exploration of alternatives to the 8 s.h. of 300-400 level credit in the Advanced Studies requirement for General Studies
Implement year two of the plan to reduce part-time faculty toward 15%
Support the work of the Presidential Task Force on Scholarship and the Presidential Task Force on Alcohol Use
Explore ways to coordinate Elon’s initiatives in civic learning, service learning, etc., through development of a central office or Center for Civic Engagement
Explore the need for a Faculty Fellow for Graduate Education to: 1) coordinate programming for students considering graduate school; 2) work with academic departments to identify and prepare students to apply for graduate scholarships and fellowships; and 3) develop strategies to increase Elon’s name recognition and reputation within graduate programs nationwide
Investigate a reporting structure and physical location for an office to coordinate, develop and support interdisciplinary studies.
Support and assess Elon’s living-learning communities as a mechanism to enhance academic climate and underscore seamless learning
Implement external 5-year reviews for Foreign Languages, Public Administration, Criminal Justice, General Studies, and Undergraduate Research. Consider the efficacy of departments in the professional schools implementing focused program analysis with external consultant(s) to supplement national accreditation visits
Implement systematic assessment based on student learning outcomes for General Studies and all academic departments
Develop and pilot a web-based Student Evaluation of Teaching plan
Benchmark quality of and plan improvements for the Love School of Business in accordance with key national standards of excellence.
Work with Admissions to strengthen funding for Presidential Scholarships, Honors Scholarships, and Fellows Programs
Establish a premier, innovative program in Career Services and Student Transitions
Hire requisite personnel and develop appropriate organizational structure
Map a plan for expanding employer/recruitment contacts, both geographically and across business, governmental, and not-for-profit areas
Map a plan for working with Academic Advising, Departments, and Alumni Affairs so that all units are working together to help students understand the need for a plan for their post-Elon life
Provide funding to support significant departmental and Career Services initiatives relative to creation and implementation of student transition plans
Complete and submit application for “academic library of the year” award
for Belk Library
Plan for efficient use and development of academic campus space
Refine plan for usage of Lindner building in Academic Village
Develop models to meet additional space needs for Communications
Develop plans and strategies for enhanced and/or alternative academic program space for HHP in conjunction with potential new Athletic facilities at Koury Fieldhouse
Explore reconfiguration of space on 1st floor Belk, especially related to student services such as the Writing Center; address Belk office needs
Examine Elon’s policy for awarding institutional credit for AP, IB and CLEP tests.