Work-related discomfort is not a myth. Many workers routinely encounter considerable discomfort from their work activities. Elon is committed to providing faculty/staff with workstations which are free from known or potential hazards, allowing you to be both productive and comfortable.


Elon’s workstation evaluation team will conduct ergonomic evaluations to identify workstation design or working conditions that may contribute to discomfort or injury. This service is free to all University employees.

About the Team

The workstation evaluation team includes the following:

Request an Evaluation

Workstation Assessment Request Form


Workstation Ergonomics Resources

Standing Desk Program

Workplace Ergonomics: Your Guide to Health and Comfort at Work
Conduct your own evaluation using The Hartford’s guide to workplace ergonomics.

Computer and Desk Stretches

Ergonomics OLPD Presentation 

Use this PowerPoint to learn best practices on how to adjust your chair and workstation for you.