2016 President's Report

Message from President Lambert

Achieving Excellence

A message from President Leo M. Lambert

Year-round Education

Economics professor Katy Rouse studies the pros and cons of year-round school calendars.

Testing T-Cells

Biologist Yuko Miyamoto works with students to solve a piece of the cancer puzzle.

Friend of the Court

Legal scholar Scott Gaylord is a prominent voice on legal opinions concerning the First Amendment.

Social Consumption

Communications professor Qian Xu studies the ways we shop online and connect through social media.

Art in Motion

Lauren Kearns, professor of dance, explores movement as a means to tell a story.

Game Changer

Sport management professor Anthony Weaver researches the decisions colleges make to scale up or scale down athletics programs.

Between Land and Water

Environmental studies professor Janet MacFall finds ecological clues in the soil of riverbeds.

Creating an Ecovillage

Anthony Weston combines philosophy and environmental studies to develop a model for a more sustainable community.

Academic Highlights

Immersed in Inquiry

With a fair and even-handed approach to news, Michael Bodley ’16 is gaining experience and creating change at some of the nation’s top newspapers.

Combining Passions

Seeking a broad range of experiences, Shakori Fletcher ’16, a broadcast and new media major, forged her own path with a focus on business.

The Hashtag Musician

Addison Horner ’16 teaches micro lessons to budding pianists on Instagram.

Mapping the Universe

Helen Meskhidze ’16 creates an atlas of starburst galaxy emission lines for other researchers.

Leading the Way

Christian Seitz ’16 conducted research that could allow future scientists to improve paints and plastics, make cheaper rubber and reduce greenhouse gases.

Innovative Idea

Madison Tamblyn ’16 turns a desire for hot coffee into a marketable solution.