Chosen Name

A Chosen Name is a name that is different from an individuals Legal Name that the student wishes to be known throughout the Elon community. Student’s may choose a First, Middle, and/or Last name or any combination of chosen and legal name. When not on campus, those who have elected a Chosen Name for their ID card are cautioned that their campus ID should not be viewed as official identification.


A Nickname is a name that a person likes to be called if it is something other than a Chosen First or Legal First Name. It is used in all applications and reporting unless the Legal Name is required.

Campus Name

  • A Campus Name is the familiar name for a person on campus.
  • If you choose a Nickname it will be used as the Campus Name.
  • If you do not choose a Nickname but a Chosen Name has been identified, the Chosen Name will be used as the Campus Name
  • If you do not choose a Nickname or Chosen Name, the Legal Name will be used as the Campus Name