Identify Common Birds in Alamance Country, North Carolina

Information and Picture Credit: All About Birds, The Cornell Lab

Northern Cardinal


Where? sitting low in shrubs and trees or foraging on/near the ground

Common Behavior? visiting bird feeders

Click here to hear their songs and calls




American Robin


Where? Gardens, parks, fields, forests

Common Behavior? bounding across lawns, bilk tilted up to look around, flick tail down before taking flight

Click here to hear their songs and calls




Carolina Chickadee


Where? Forested areas, yards, parks with large trees

Common Behavior? feeding in flocks

Click here to hear their songs and calls


Carolina Wren


Where? Wooded areas and neighborhoods, moving low, backyard brush piles

Common Behavior? scooting up and down trees, cocking tail up while finding food, cocking tail down when singing, constantly singing to defend territory

Click here to hear their songs and calls




Tufted Titmouse


Where? Forests, visiting bird feeders, backyards, parks, orchards

Common Behavior? assertive over smaller birds, fluttery but level flight

Click here to listen to their sounds and calls


Northern Mockingbird


Where? High in trees, fences, telephone wires, hopping on the ground, backyards, parks, open fields

Behavior: aggressively chasing off other birds in their territory

Click here to hear their songs and calls




Blue Jays


Where? Forests, parks, towns

Common Behavior? often call when perched in a tree, will open nuts using feet and beak

Click here to hear their songs and calls


American Crow


Where? Fields, forests, agricultural fields, parking lots, backyards, towns

Common Behavior? raiding garbage cans, chasing away other birds

Click here to hear their songs and calls


American Goldfinch


Where? Weedy fields, roadsides, and backyards

Common Behavior? clinging to weeds, traveling in large numbers, fly bouncy and call during flight

Click here to hear their songs and calls


House Sparrow


Where? City streets, parks, perching on roofs or trees

Common Behavior? flying in and out of nest holes, picking insects off cars

Click here to hear their songs and calls


European Starling


Where? Towns, fields, sidewalks, parking lots, feeding on lawns, perched on telephone wires and houses

Common Behavior? poking grass for food, sitting up high and making constant sounds

Click here to hear their songs and calls


Rock Pigeon


Where? Fields, farmland, towns, gathering in flocks

Common Behavior? when startled, they will fly into the air, circle, and then fly back down

Click here to hear their songs and calls


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