How to Reserve and Renew Equipment

To reserve equipment from Media Services, please submit your request through WebCheckout.

If equipment is not picked up within 30 minutes of the reservation start time, the reservation will be canceled and the equipment will become available to other patrons. A valid Phoenix Card must be presented when picking up your equipment. When creating your reservation on WebCheckout, you must comply with Media Services hours of operation, as well as the rules for default and overnight loan periods.

Loan Period and Self-Service Renewal

The default loan period for equipment is twenty-four (24) hours. Renewals are now self-service and use the WebCheckout Patron Portal. You may request up to 2 renewals for 24 hours each. While logged into WebCheckout, click on your current checkout, and select “Renew.” If your renewal request is declined, equipment must be returned at original time.

Equipment Delivery

The Media Services Checkout Center is unable to deliver equipment, however, equipment may be reserved in advance. All equipment must be picked up and returned to the Media Services Checkout Center.

Late, Unreturned, and Broken Equipment Policy

Late Fees

Students: Late fees will be assessed for any equipment that is returned past its due date/time at the rate listed below. Students will be notified of late equipment via campus email. If the equipment has not been returned within 7 days of the original due date, the student’s tuition account will be billed for the replacement cost (plus any additional expenses including, but not limited to, warranty, shipping and handling, and accessories).

Faculty and staff: Late fees are not assessed for faculty and staff, however returning the equipment on time is important to ensure that it is available for other patrons.

Suspension of Checkout Privileges

Patrons with three or more late returns or who have accrued fines totaling $250 or more from Media Services will have their checkout privileges suspended for one month.

To restore their checkout privileges, patrons will need to take the following actions:

1.     Meet with the Gear Room Coordinator

2.     Pay their late fines in full

3.     Request checkout privileges be restored one month after fines have been paid

Late Fees Rate

Main piece of equipment: $10 for the first hour and $0.50 for each hour thereafter
Accessories: $1 for the first hour and $0.50 for each hour thereafter

(Please consult with Media Services at the time of checkout to confirm whether the equipment is a main piece of equipment or an accessory.)

If the fine is not paid at the time when the late equipment is returned, the fine(s) will be placed on the student’s account, and they will not be allowed to check out materials from either Media Services or the Gear Room. If the fine(s) has not been paid within three weeks, the amount due will be added directly to the student’s tuition statement through the Bursar’s office.

Stolen Equipment

If the equipment is stolen, please report this immediately to Campus Safety and Police (if on-campus) and the local police department (if off-campus) to file a police report. Please also contact Media Services to inform them of the situation and provide a copy of the police report and a phone number where they can reach you for further questions. Even if the equipment is stolen, the student, faculty, or staff member is still held financially responsible for the replacement cost of the equipment, plus any additional expenses including warranty, shipping and handling, and accessories.