New faculty member: Howard Katz, professor of law

Howard Katz comes to Elon from Capital University Law School in Columbus, Ohio, where he was a visiting professor. His background includes teaching positions at a variety of law schools including George Washington, Pittsburgh, Howard, Tulane and George Mason.

Howard Katz
Katz also has experience with forming public policy, having worked for six years as director of strategic planning and policy for the Cuyahoga County Treasurer’s Office in Cleveland, and as the chief counsel to the Cleveland City Council.
Katz has taught torts, property, constitutional law, contracts, criminal law, land use planning, managerial law and ethics, real estate finance and legal analysis in his various positions. He is currently working on an article titled “Strategies and Techniques of Law School Teaching: A Primer for New (and Not So New) Professors.”
Katz received his law degree with honors from Harvard Law School in 1977 after graduating summa cum laude with a degree in political science from Case Western Reserve University in 1974. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and the Congress for the New Urbanism.