The highlighted items on this page are no longer accessible online. Please contact Joan Dawson, Executive Assistant to the Provost and Executive Vice President, at or (336) 278-6647 for copies of these resources.

Table of Contents


  1. Introduction and Faculty Bylaws
    1. Institutional Statements
      1. Elon University Mission Statement
      2. Professional Schools’ Missions Statements
        1. School of Communications
        2. School of Education
        3. Martha and Spencer Love School of Business
      3. The Elon Teacher-Scholar
    2. Board of Trustees
    3. Administrative Policy
    4. Handbook Definitions
    5. Faculty Bylaws
  2. Academic Affairs
    1. Recruitment and Selection of Teaching Faculty
    2. Contracts
      1. Contracts for Teaching Faculty
        1. Categories of Appointment
        2. Granting of Tenure
        3. Granting of Professional Status
        4. Review Process
          1. Probationary Period for Faculty on Tenure or Professional Track
          2. Probationary Period for Faculty on Continuing Track or Lecture Track
          3. Stop the Clock
          4. Non-Renewal of Probationary Faculty
          5. Post-Probationary Reviews
          6. Applying for a Tenure Track Opening from an Existing Position
          7. Moving from a Professional Status Appointment to a Tenure Track Appointment
        5. Contracts for Appointment to Faculty Rank: Academic Support Staff and Administrative Staff
    3. Faculty Compensation
      1. Faculty Salary
      2. Compensation for Internship Supervision
      3. Faculty Workload and Reassigned-Time Plan
    4. Faculty Rank and Responsibilities
    5. Academic Freedom
    6. Statement of Professional Standards
    7. Responsibilities of Teaching Faculty
      1. Functions of the Teaching Faculty
      2. Assignments
      3. Attendance
      4. Teaching Faculty Offices/Furniture
      5. Teaching Faculty Office Hours
      6. Academic Processions
      7. Load for Teaching Faculty
      8. Research Compliance
    8. Professional Development for Teaching Faculty
      1. Introduction
      2. Faculty Travel
      3. Grants Awarded by the Faculty Research and Development Committee
        1. Sabbatical Leaves
        2. Summer Fellowships
        3. Released Time Fellowships
        4. Research, Development, and Advanced Study
    9. Evaluation of Teaching Faculty
      1. Introduction
      2. Reviews
      3. Evaluation System for Teaching Faculty Applying for Tenure, Professional Status and/or Promotion
      4. Evaluation System for Teaching Faculty Applying for Continuance at Elon on Continuing Track or Lecture Track Appointments
      5. Criteria for Evaluation of Teaching Faculty
      6. Files for Teaching Faculty
      7. Student Evaluation of Teaching/Learning
      8. Schedule of Activities for Evaluation of Teaching Faculty
      9. Responsibilities in the Evaluation of Full-time Teaching Faculty
      10. Faculty Appeal
      11. Removal for Cause
    10. Faculty and Administrative Evaluation System
      1. Annual Report for Teaching Faculty Member (Unit I)
      2. Evaluation by Department Chair (Unit III)
      3. Student Evaluation of the Learning Process (Unit IV)
      4. Student Evaluation of the Learning Process (Graduate level) (Unit IV)
      5. Evaluation by Dean (Unit V)
      6. Evaluation of Department Chair
      7. Evaluation of Provost and Dean
    11. Procedures for Hearings/Complaints
      1. Hearing Procedures for Employees with Faculty Rank
      2. Faculty Grievance Procedure
      3. Grade Appeal Procedure
    12. Review of Tenure/Professional Status
    13. Committees of the Faculty – Policies & Procedures
    14. The Instructional Program: Policies & Procedures
      1. Introduction to the Course
      2. Class Rolls
      3. Use of Class Periods
      4. Classroom Responsibilities
      5. Class Absences
      6. Missed Tests and Examinations
      7. Testing Procedures
      8. Reading Lists
      9. Term Papers
      10. Honor System
      11. Final Examinations
      12. Collection Policy
      13. Grading System and Quality Points
      14. Posting of Grades
      15. Mid-Semester Progress Reports
      16. Final Grades
      17. Academic Warning, Probation & Suspension
      18. Independent Study Guidelines
      19. Special Courses
      20. Incomplete Grade Policy
      21. Notes
    15. Curriculum and Curriculum Changes
    16. Graduate Program
    17. Departmental and Committee Annual Reports
      1. Unit I – Departmental Annual Report by Department Chair
      2. Unit II – Departmental Annual Report by Department Members
      3. Unit I – Committee Annual Report by Committee Chair
      4. Unit II – Committee Annual Report by Committee Members
    18. Faculty-Administrative Communication Flow
    19. Responsibilities: Provost/VP for Academic Affairs, Deans, Department Chairs

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