Submission of Protocols Instructions for Faculty and Staff

In alignment with Federal guidelines, beginning June 1st, 2024, all investigators within our institution—comprising faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate students, principals, and co-investigators—must have completed CITI training. If you have any concerns or questions or want to discuss this policy further, please email the IRB Chair, Marna Winter at


Students may not serve as a PI for an IRB study. They should work with a faculty mentor who will serve as PI and be responsible for the oversight of the study.

As of Aug. 1, 2011, Elon’s IRB has transitioned to an electronic submission process for review and approval of protocols. The document below contains instructions on how to access and navigate this electronic resource. If you have questions about this process please contact Marna Winter, IRB Chair (x5881;

IRB Submission of Protocols Instructions

IRB Application and Consent Form 2024