On some occasions when two FWA institutions are engaged in the same research study, it may be appropriate for one institution to rely on the IRB of the second for review and continuing oversight of that research. Circumstances in which this arrangement might be considered would typically involve studies primarily based at one institution, with somewhat peripheral involvement by investigators at the other. In effect, this constitutes a deferral of the right of review by the institution with lesser involvement, which retains responsibility for ensuring compliance with all IRB requirements.

An “IRB Authorization Agreement” is the form of agreement executed between the institutions to document this delegation of IRB oversight. Elon University may be either the institution deferring to another institution or the institution to which the IRB review is delegated. All requests for such delegations should be referred to the Institutional Official/Director of Sponsored Programs. The Institutional Official/Director of Sponsored Programs, in consultation with the IRB Chair will determine whether the University will agree to the deferral. If the decision is to agree to the IRB delegation, the Institutional Official/Director of Sponsored Programs will be responsible for executing the Authorization Agreement form. Copies of this agreement will be filed with the IRB accepting responsibility for ongoing oversight, the IRB deferring, and the Office of Sponsored Programs at Elon University.

Authorization Agreement-ELON-REVIEWING-EXPEDITED and FULL REVIEW: Use this version if Elon University’s IRB is providing review.

Authorization Agreement-ELON-RELYING-EXPEDITED and FULL REVIEW: Use this version if an external IRB is providing review and the organization does not have their own Authorization Agreement.