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- University Curriculum Committee
University Curriculum Committee

About the UCC
- Elisha Savchak-Trogdon, Chair 2024-2027
- Kristen Mazur, Chair Pro Tempore 2024-2025
To start a curriculum proposal, submit a completed curriculum proposal, or view proposals (submitted since 8/1/2017) and committee minutes please use the Curriculum Management System.
The UCC normally meets the second Wednesday of each month except January during the academic year from 3:30 to 5:00 PM in Schar Building Room 212 (unless otherwise advertised).
Meeting dates for 2024-25 are September 11, October 09, November 13, December 11, February 12, March 12, April 09, and May 14.
Meeting agendas are posted in SmartCatalog’s Curriculum Management System and are disseminated via email to the faculty one week in advance.
UCC Documents and Links
- Curriculum_Process_Document_updated2020March
- Undergraduate Curriculum Process Flowchart Updated January 2019
- Graduate Curriculum Process Flowchart Updated February 2019
- Characteristics of Experiential Learning Requirement Updated May 2018
- UCC Liaisons: Purposes and Responsibilities
- Curriculum Committees — Bylaws (Faculty Handbook, Section VIII, Section 10)
- Curriculum Committees — Policies and Procedures (Faculty Handbook, Section M22R)