University Curriculum Committee, 2024-25

Matthew Buckmaster, Executive Director for the Elon Core Curriculum

Kristen Mazur, At-Large Member from The College of Arts & Sciences (Mathematics and Statistics), 2021-24

Rena Zito, The College of Arts & Sciences, Social Sciences (Social Science), 2022-25

Brian Walsh, At-Large Faculty Member from the College of Arts & Sciences (Communications Design), 2021-24

Kim Shively, The College of Arts & Sciences, Fine Arts & Humanities (Performing Arts), 2022-25

Jane O’Boyle, School of Communications (Strategic Communications), 2023-26

Elisha Savchak-Trogdon, Chair (non-voting member), 2022-24

Matt Wittstein, The College of Arts & Sciences, Mathematics, Computing & Natural Sciences (Exercise Science), 2022-25

Sean McMahon, The Love School of Business (Entrepreneurship) , 2023-26

Rodney Parks, Registrar / Robin Straka, Senior Associate Registrar (non-voting member)

Jennifer Platania, Provost’s Designee, Associate Provost of Academic Affairs

Cathy Quay, School of Health Sciences (Nursing), 2023-26

Aaron Trocki, At-Large Faculty Member from the College of Arts & Sciences (Mathematics)

Teresa LePors, designee for Dean of the Carol Grotnes Belk Library (nonvoting member)

Jeffrey Carpenter, Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education (Education), 2023-26

Kathy Ziga, Director of Academic Advising (non-voting member)

Minutes by Renee Makin, Program Assistant, Academic Affairs

Meeting minutes are posted in SmartCatalog’s Curriculum Management System and subject to committee vote to approve at the next meeting. Minutes are unofficial until approved with any clarifications/corrections. For questions about minutes, please contact the committee chair.

School and Division Curriculum Committees

Arts and Humanities Curriculum Committee, 2024-25

Jasmine Powell, Performing Arts, 2023-26

Douglas Jurs, Music, 2022-25

Kristin Lange, World Languages and Cultures, 2023-2026

Dinidu Karunanayake, English, 2022-25

Elena Schoonmaker-Gates, At-Large, 2022-25

Julian Stetkevych, At-Large, 2024-27

Jeanine Hill, Art, 2023-26 (Chair 2024-2025)

Ariela Marcus-Sells, Religious Studies, 2023-2026

Stephen Bloch-Schuluman, Philosophy,

Brandon Essary, Dean’s Representative, (without vote)

  • Up to nine members are elected to the committee. Each department in the Arts and Humanities appoints one member (totaling 7 appointed members), and two at-large members are elected by the Arts and Humanities faculty.
  • No department will have more than two members on the committee.
  • Terms are for three years, renewable without limit.
  •  If a department opts-out of representation, that line will revert to an at-large position for that academic year, elected by the Arts and Humanities faculty. The department that opts out reserves the right to have representation reinstated in any subsequent academic year.
  • Committee composition and terms revised 2016-2017.

Math and Natural Sciences Curriculum Committee, 2024-25

Blake Hament, Engineering

Robert Charest, Environmental Studies

Anthony Crider, Physics

Eric Bauer, Biology

Jacob Gdovin, Exercise Science

Hwayeon Ryu, Mathematics and Statistics

Dan Wright, Chemistry

Scott Spurlock, Computer Science (Chair)

Caroline Ketcham, Dean’s Representative (without vote)

  • One member from each department (Biology, Chemistry, Computing Sciences, Engineering, Exercise Science, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics) is elected
  • Terms are for three years, renewable without limit.
  • Committee composition and terms revised September 2010.

Social and Behavioral Sciences Curriculum Committee, 2024-25

Katrina Jongman-Sereno, Psychology

Vanessa Drew-Branch, Human Service Studies

Stephanie Baker, Public Health Studies

Alexis Franzese, Sociology and Anthropology (Rena Zito for Alexis Franzese for Fall ’24)

Julie Liebenguth, Political Science and Policy Studies

Mussa Idris, International and Global Studies

Ryan Kirk, History and Geography (Chair 2024-2025)

Brandon Essary, Dean’s Representative (without vote)

  • Each department shall have one elected representative and each inter-disciplinary program shall have one elected representative that is not housed in the same department will have one representative; no more than two faculty from a single department may serve on the committee.
  • The terms are for one year, renewable without limit.
  • Committee composition and terms information last revised March 2013.

Love School of Business Curriculum Committee, 2024-25

Adam Aiken, Finance, 2024-25 (Chair)

Scott Hayward, Management and Entrepreneurship

Bryan Lyons, Management, Ongoing

Timothy Norvell, Marketing and International Business

Steve DeLoach, Economics, 2020-22

Eric Brown, Accounting,

Haya Ajjan, Dean’s Representative (without vote)

  • One elected member from each department as well as a representative from the MBA program.
  • Terms are for two years.
  • Committee composition and terms information last revised September 2011.

School of Communications Curriculum Committee, 2024 – 2025

Rebecca Bagley, Communication Design, 2024-26

Amanda Sturgill, Journalism, 2024-25

David Bockino, Media Analytics 2023-25

Vic Costello, Dean’s Office (without vote)

Barbara Miller Gaither, Strategic Communication, 2023-25

Phillip Motley, iMedia, 2024-26

Staci Saltz, Cinema & TV Arts, 2022-25 (Chair 2024-2025)

Alex Traugutt, Sports Management, 2023-25

Tony Weaver, Administrative Liaison (without vote)

  • Seven elected full-time teaching faculty members, with at least one member from each department and program.
  • Terms are for two years.
  • Ex officio participants (non-voting) include Vic Costello, school director for core curriculum; and Tony Weaver, administrative liaison.
  • Revised August 2020

Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education Curriculum Committee, 2023-24

Katie Baker, Education,  2020-2023

Lynda Butler-Storsved, Wellness,  Chair, 2023-24

Mary Knight-McKenna, Education, 2021-24

Heidi Hollingsworth, Education, 2020-2023

Mark Enfield, Wellness,

Ann Bullock, Dean, without vote

Marna Winter, Department Chair, without vote

  • Five elected representatives from Education and Wellness.
  • Terms are for three years.
  • Committee composition and terms information last revised August 2010.

School of Health Sciences Curriculum Committee, 2024-25

Antoinette Polito, Physician Assistant Studies, Chair (2024-25)

Stephen Folger, Physical Therapy Education

Mary Kay Hannah, Physical Therapy Education

Russ Dailey, Physician Assistant Studies

Melissa Scales, Physical Therapy Education

Cindy Bennet, Physician Assistant Studies

Stacey Thomas, Nursing

Elizabeth Van Horn, Nursing

Maha Lund, Dean (without vote)

  • Qualifications: The School of Health Sciences (SoHS) Curriculum Committee consists of seven members, with a minimum of two members from each department. All members will be full-time faculty with the SoHS.
  • Election: Individuals interested in serving may self-nominate or be nominated by colleagues. All members will be elected by the full-time faculty within the SoHS.
  • Terms: Elected individuals serve 2-year terms, with the ability to be elected for consecutive terms.
  • Chair: The Chair is elected from within the SoHS Curriculum Committee membership by the committee members. The Chair serves a 1-year term, and may do so during either the first or second year of their membership term. The Chair may be elected to consecutive terms.
  • Filling Vacancies: If an elected member is unable to fulfill their entire 2-year term, a replacement member will be elected to complete the remainder of the term, following the election process above.
  • This information last revised Spring 2019.

Elon Core Curriculum Council (ECCC), 2024-25

Brittany Riggs, CAS: Math and Natural Sciences (Chair 2022-25)

Barjinder Singh, Love School of Business, Marketing, 2024-2027

Israel Balderas, School of Communications, Journalism, 2024-2027

Nicholas Bussberg, At-Large Faculty Member, Statistics, 2024-2027

Keshia Wall, CAS: Arts & Humanities, 2022-2025

Hui-Hua Chang, CAS: Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2022-2025

Evan Small, School of Education, 2023-2026

Matthew Buckmaster, Executive Director of Elon Core Curriculum, ex officio (with vote)

Julia Bleakney, Director, Writing Across the Curriculum, English, ex officio (with vote)



Global Education Curriculum Committee (GECC), 2021-22

Rosy Bao, Love School of Business, Management, 2019-22

Jeff Carpenter, Chair, Faculty Member from the School of Education, Education, 2020-2023

Tina Das, At-Large Teaching Faculty Member, Economics, 2020-2023

Nick Gozik, Dean of Global Education, or designee, ex-officio (without vote)

Waseem-Ahmed Bin-Kasim, Faculty Member from CAS: Social Sciences, History & Geography, 2021-2024

Mark Kurt, Assistant Dean of Global Education, ex-officio (without vote)

Kristina Meinking, Assistant Director of Elon Core Curriculum, World Languages & Cultures, ex-officio (with vote)

Nina Namaste, Faculty Member from CAS: Fine Arts and Humanities, World Languages & Cultures, 2021-2024

Svetlana Nepocatych, Faculty Member from CAS: Mathematics/Science, Exercise Science, 2021-2024

Samuele Pardini, At-Large Teaching Faculty Member, World Languages and Cultures, 2019-2022

Melissa Scales, Faculty Member from the School of Health Sciences, Physical Therapy Education, 2020-2023


Graduate Council

Stephen Braye, Chair

Full Membership

Teacher Education Committee

Ann Bullock, Chair

Full Membership