Open enrollment begins today

Faculty and staff changing or adding insurance benefits need to complete the open enrollment process.

Open enrollment is from Oct. 19 to Oct. 30 for benefit elections that will take effect Jan. 1, 2016. If you are changing or adding new benefits, or enrolling or re-enrolling in the flexible spending account, you’ll need to participate in open enrollment.

All benefit eligible employees must complete the open enrollment process through OnTrack with Benefits Enrollment Online to add, delete, and/or make changes to benefit elections.

If you do not visit the online system during open enrollment to add, delete, or make a change to your benefits, your medical, dental, vision, dependent/optional life, long-term disability, etc. will remain at their current coverage level.

The exception is for flexible spending accounts.  You must re-enroll in those plans each year.

Note: Optional and dependent life insurance as well as long-term disability elections must be made using paper forms. Please stop by the Office of Human Resources to pick up the necessary forms. Enrollment forms for the Lincoln Financial Group insurances must be completed and returned to our office no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 30.
Benefits Fair
Have questions about your benefits? One of the best ways to get answers is to attend our Benefits Fair on Tuesday, Oct. 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Koury Athletics Center (Koury Concourse). You can learn more about your benefits and talk with representatives from Human Resources and our vendors about your benefit election options for next year.
In addition, the Wellness Office will be present to provide free flu shots to faculty and staff.
There will be door prizes and refreshments. Please plan to attend.