Kremer publishes book on transgender singing

"The Singing Teacher’s Guide to Transgender Voices" is the first book of its kind to provide thorough, organized information on the training of transgender singers for educators both in the academic and independent teaching realms.

Brian Kremer, assistant professor of Music Theatre, along with co-author Liz Jackson Hearns, The Voice Lab, recently published “The Singing Teacher’s Guide to Transgender Voices,” the first comprehensive resource developed for training transgender and nonbinary singers.

Brian Kremer and Liz Jackson Hearns signing books at the National Association of Teachers of Singing National Conference in Las Vegas.
This text aids in the development of voice pedagogy tailored to the needs of transgender singers, informed by cultural competence, and bolstered by personal narratives of transgender and nonbinary singing students.

The singing life of a transgender or nonbinary student can be overwhelmingly stressful. Because many of the current systems in place for singing education are so firmly anchored in gender binary systems, transgender and gender nonconforming singers are often forced into groups with which they feel they don’t belong. Singers in transition are often afraid to reach out for help because the likelihood of finding a voice teacher who is competent in navigating the social, emotional, physical, and psychological challenges of transition is minimal at best.

The text equips teachers with a sympathetic perspective on these unique struggles and with the knowledge and resources needed to guide students to a healthy, joyful and safe singing life. It challenges professional and academic communities to understand the needs of transgender singers and provides evidence-based voice education and real-world opportunities that are unique and genuine.

Within days of its release, “The Singing Teacher’s Guide to Transgender Voices” shot up to #1 in sales for new releases on in both the “Audiology and Speech Pathology” and “Occupational Therapy” categories. The book has garnered worldwide interest, as the authors have received messages and inquiries from students and teachers across the globe.    

“The Singing Teacher’s Guide to Transgender Voices” is available now wherever books are sold.