Flexible spending account grace period ends in March

The 90-day grace period to submit unreimbursed medical expenses and claims for 2012 flexible spending accounts ends in March.

Participants must submit claims by March 31 for expenses incurred on or before March 15, 2013. The grace period provides more time to spend the funds in the flexible spending account. Funds that are not used and not submitted for reimbursement by March 31 will be forfeited.

Eligible expenses incurred during the three-month grace period that started Jan. 1 that are approved for reimbursement will be paid from available funds that were in the account on Dec. 31. If the expenses incurred during the grace period exceed what’s left in last year’s account, the rest will be paid from this year’s flexible spending account.

Click here for more information about the takecareWageWorks account. To access the Flexible Spending Account Qualified Expense Guide click here.

For more information or to ask questions contact the Office of Human Resources at Ext. 5560 or contact takecareWageWorks directly at 800-950-0105.