Annual vision exam provides multiple benefits

Did you know eyes can be a window to the heart? Do you have low vision and need some help to improve your sight?

Through an eye exam, doctors can detect vision problems as well as many other health conditions, including diabetes and heart disease. Don’t forget to schedule an annual eye exam.

February is Low Vision Awareness Month. Low vision affects about 3 million people in the U.S, and usually occurs in patients with other age– or health-related conditions such as diabetes or cataracts. If you can’t read newspaper print with an ordinary prescription, then you probably have low vision. There are a few methods to help you improve your sight with low vision:

  • Eyeglass-mounted. Magnifiers and telescopes can be placed directly on glasses, leaving hands free to do other things. Magnifiers are for close–up tasks and telescopes are for seeing things farther away.
  • Hand-held and tabletop. For on-the-go activities, hand-held magnifiers help people take better vision with them. The tabletop variety is great for working on crafts at home.
  • Electro-optical systems. These complex–sounding tools are special closed-circuit TV devices that make video images larger.

The impact of low vision can be lessened through early and consistent treatment, so visit your eye doctor each year. For more information go to VSP members are eligible for rebates and special offers.