PURM 8.1
PURM 8.1 (2019)
Special Issue: Mentoring Undergraduate Creative Scholarship
Letter from the Guest Editors for Issue 8.1
Nicole Triche, M.F.A., Elon University
Lauren W. Kearns, M.F.A., Elon University
Research Article
Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Theater and Dance: Case Studies of the Salient Practices Framework in Action
Abstract: The Ten Salient Practices of undergraduate research mentoring (Shanahan et al., 2015) are applied to three case studies of mentoring undergraduate research in theatre and dance. The case studies demonstrate the usefulness and relevance of the Salient Practices Framework to mentoring in performing arts disciplines.
Susanne Shawyer, Ph.D., Elon University
Renay Aumiller, M.F.A., Elon University
Eric E. Hall, Ph.D., Elon University
Kim Shively, M.F.A., Elon University
Deconstructing Authority for Truly Collaborative Mentorship in Undergraduate Creative Writing
Abstract: Wendy Bishop calls creative writing workshops that rely on imitation “falsely collaborative.” Our program supports smaller mentorship models that establish faculty and undergraduate relationships, which suggests that mentorship built on existing relationships can prevent false collaboration. In this manuscript, we address prior and current workshop experiences, and what we’ve learned from this model.
Kara Mae Brown, M.F.A., University of California Santa Barbara
Kailyn R. Kausen, University of California Santa Barbara
Komal Surani, University of California Santa Barbara
Research Article
Divisional Trends in Undergraduate Research: A Data-Driven Dialogue in the Creative Arts
Abstract: In this research-driven dialogue, we present an institutional case study of an undergraduate research program at Albion College — FURSCA. We analyzed twenty years of longitudinal data to understand divisional representation in this program and to initiate a dialogue about the role of creative arts in undergraduate research participation.
Vanessa P. McCaffrey, Ph.D., Albion College
Vicki L. Baker, Ph.D., Albion College
Caroline Manning, Albion College
Finding the Words: An Epistolary Essay on Mentoring in the Creative Arts
Abstract: In this epistolary essay, a creative writing professor and her former undergraduate student reimagine Rainier Maria Rilke’s foundational book, Letters to a Young Poet, to illuminate a contemporary example of mentorship in the creative arts. Through their exchange, the two writers address the practices that lead to both an enriching personal experience as well as the creation of art. Specifically, they describe how young writers learn to externalize the internal, how mentors can take advantage of ordinary moments in the relationship, and why the research component of literary nonfiction provide rich ground for strong mentoring practices.
Jennifer Sinor, Ph.D., Utah State University
Morgan Graham, Utah State University
Call for Papers for our next Special Issues on Mentoring Student-Athletes for Undergraduate Research (Fall 2020): Call for Papers