MAY 6, 2021: The Engineering Grand Challenges II course, taught by Associate Professor of Engineering Sirena Hargrove-Leak, launches rockets that they built at the end of the spring semester. (photo by Kim Walker)
Filename: 05_06_21-engineering-class-rocket-launch-003.jpeg
Title: 05_06_21 engineering class rocket launch 003
Alt Text: MAY 6, 2021: The Engineering Grand Challenges II course, taught by Associate Professor of Engineering Sirena Hargrove-Leak, launches rockets that they built at the end of the spring semester. (photo by Kim Walker)
Caption: MAY 6, 2021: The Engineering Grand Challenges II course, taught by Associate Professor of Engineering Sirena Hargrove-Leak, launches rockets that they built at the end of the spring semester. (photo by Kim Walker)