Special Elon Web site documents campus reaction to terrorism

A new Elon University Web site brings together a wealth of campus resources related to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. The site, located at www.elon.edu/terrorism, includes stories and photographs from the Elon News Bureau, transcripts of speeches and remarks at campus events, letters to the Elon community and special links for alumni.

The site was established in the days following the attacks to provide a common source of information for students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents and friends of the university. Information will be added to the site as it becomes available.

“Communication is crucial at a time like this,” says Dan Anderson, director of university relations. “Our entire staff is working to give members of the Elon community as much information as possible. Faculty and staff members have an opportunity to share their expertise and views on these complex events, and the stories and pictures document the emotional response that has taken place at Elon.”