Former U.S. ambassador, Woodrow Wilson Fellow to visit Elon

Former U.S. Ambassador and Woodrow Wilson Fellow Robert White will visit Elon University March 11-15, where he will participate in classroom visits and hold meetings with students and faculty.

White was ambassador to Paraguay from 1977-1979 and El Salvador from 1979-1981. He has served as president of the Center for International Policy in Washington, D.C., since 1990.
White was a Fulbright Scholar in 1952 before earning a master’s degree from Tufts University in 1954. He served in several capacities with the U.S. Foreign Service, including economic officer, Peace Corps director for Latin America, deputy chief of mission and special presidential representative to the Inter-American Conference on Education, Science and Culture.

He has served as professor of international relations at Simmons College and was president of the International Center for Development Policy from 1985-1990.

More than 200 colleges and universities have participated in the Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellows program. Successful journalists, government officials, business leaders and ethicists visit college campuses through the program, meeting classes and holding informal discussions with students and faculty.