Blackboard sessions for summer online students

IMPORTANT REMINDER: This is the last week required Blackboard sessions will be held for summer online students. If you haven’t attended a session yet, please make plans to do. Please check the schedule below to see if you are to attend a specific session.

Attn: Students who took an online course at Elon in 2002 or 2001 — Please contact our office (ext. 5000, Belk Library suite 115) if you would like to be exempted from attendance and haven’t already spoken with us.

Who: You, a student who’s registered for a summer Web-based course

What: Must attend a required 30-minute session

Where: In Belk 113

When: Sessions will be held at the following times:

Tuesday, 5/6, 7:30-8:00 p.m. (Prof. Carole Chase’s REL277 class meets before this session, and Prof. Chalmers Brumbaugh’s POL481 class meets afterward.)

Wednesday, 5/7, 4:00-4:30 p.m. (Prof. Larry Basirico’s SOC373 class meets before this session, and Prof. Gabie Smith’s PSY371 class meets afterward.)

Thursday, 5/8, 4:00-4:30 p.m. (Prof. Herb Schuette’s CIS211 class meets before this session, and Prof. Laurin Kier’s SOC111 class meets afterward.)

Why: To ensure your success in your online course!

Other: Check with your summer instructor to see if you should attend a particular session

If your professor isn’t listed above, please check with him/her to determine when your class meeting will be held.

Note: Please be sure to sign in at whichever session you attend!

Questions? Stop by the Instructional Design & Development offices in Belk 115 or e-mail

We’re looking forward to a great summer!

Patty Brown

Associate Director,

Instructional Design & Development

x5000, Belk Library 115E