CNN, CNBC interview Gergen from campus

David Gergen appeared live from the Elon campus Monday, Jan. 12 on CNBC and CNN news shows. Details...

Both interviews took place in TV studio A in the McEwen Communications building on campus. At 6:15 p.m., Gergen taped an interview with CNBC for the Brian Williams show which aired later in the evening. CNBC sent a mircowave truck from Charlotte to send the satellite signal.

At 10 p.m., Gergen appeared live on CNN’s Newsnight with Aaron Brown. A CNN live truck from Richmond, Va., handled the technical aspects of the live feed.

In each interview, Elon was mentioned, and Linda Lashendock, coordinator of television services, reports that both network crews were impressed with Elon’s facilities. “They each said our new set and the capabilities of our studio made their jobs easier,” Lashendock said.