Joe Ashby Porter presents “Textual Alter Egos: Life as Reader and Writer,” Oct. 25

Joe Ashby Porter will discuss his dual writing career as a Shakespearean scholar and fiction writer during a presentation at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 25 in Yeager Recital Hall, located in the Center for the Arts on the Elon University campus.

Porter uses different pennames in his work. Scholar Joseph A. Porter’s books are “The Drama of Speech Acts,” “Shakespeare’s Mercutio,” and his eight co-edited volumes of “Renaissance Papers.” Fiction writer Joe Ashby Porter’s books include the novel “The Near Future,” and collections titled “The Kentucky Stories” and “Touch Wood: Short Stories.” His awards include the 2004 Academy Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Literature.

Sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta and the English Department, Porter’s presentation is free and open to the public.
