Economics faculty members establish scholarship

Faculty members in the Economics department have pledged nearly $30,000 over the next five years to establish an endowed scholarship for a junior or senior majoring in economics with a strong academic record and a commitment to social responsibility.

Members of the economics department established the scholarship as a group, which will be awarded when the amount of paid pledges reaches $25,000. Every faculty member in the department made a gift or pledge.

“I think we all liked the idea that what we contribute can be earmarked for something that we care about,” says department chair Steve DeLoach. “Our department’s alumni are excited about this and they are also contributing.”

To make a contribution to the economics scholarship fund, contact Rhonda Owen in the Office of Institutional Advancement at (336) 278-7444.

Jerry Tolley, director of annual giving and the Elon Society, says establishing a departmental scholarship is a great way for faculty and staff to give to the university. Tolley says he is encouraged by the generosity of Elon employees, who have contributed almost $192,000 this fiscal year toward the faculty/staff giving campaign’s $210,000 goal.