First Environmental Council internship projects selected

Four Elon students working on two separate projects will receive stipends during spring semester to work on projects that will raise the level of environmental awareness and conservation on campus, thanks to an initiative by the Environmental Ad Hoc Advisory Council. Details...

Danielle Morrow, Benjamin Pula and Genevieve Romanello submitted a proposal titled, “Elon Homes Lake Wetland Restoration,” while Nicole Dvorak’s proposal was titled, “Reshaping our Recycling Program: A Shift Towards Better Environmental Stewardship.”

The Environmental Council, which seeks to raise awareness of environmental issues such as energy conservation and sustainability on campus, announced earlier this semester that it would provide a stipend annually to as many as four Elon students who will act as Environmental Council Interns, with additional funding available for supplies, travel and other expenses. After the program’s inaugural semester next spring, students will develop projects, usually one academic year in length, to raise awareness or improve university practice on issues related to the environment and conservation.

This semester’s selected interns will meet with the Environmental Council, headed by Vice President for Business, Finance and Technology Gerald Whittington, once during the spring semester to discuss the projects’ progress, and will be required to submit a final report at the end of the semester.

The Environmental Council established the internship program to explore campus environmental practices further, leading to greater awareness, new ventures and new initiatives. Applicants were currently enrolled juniors or rising seniors with an interest in the environmental goals of the council. Each intern will be mentored by a member of the council as well as a staff adviser, and will encouraged to participate in group activities while working on their own projects. The council has decided that internships during this inaugural year of the program will have a term of one-half the academic year. The stipend for this inaugural year will be $2,250 and up to $250 for supplies, travel and other expenses.