Computer virus hits campus

Look out for the Sircam virus. Details...

The W32.Sircam.worm@mm virus is still present and active on our campus.

This virus always arrives as a message with an attached file. The message may or may not come to you from someone you know. The attached file can have any name because it is randomly generated from the sending computer.

An easy way to identify this virus is found in the infected message itself. The virus will arrive attached to a message that will always begin with “Hi, how are you?” and end with “See you later. Thanks.” The body of the infected message will vary in content. The message body will read somewhat like this: “I send you this file in order to have your advice,” or “I hope you can help me with this file that I send,” or “I hope you like the file that I send to you,” or even “this is the file with the information that you ask for.”

Just delete the message and you will not be infected. You cannot be infected as long as you do not open the attached file. Just viewing the e-mail message without opening the attachment will not infect your computer.