Dr. Valle has paper published

Matthew Valle, Associate Professor of Business Administration, has been notified that an article of his has been included in the Sixth Edition (2006) of Contemporary Issues in Leadership (Rosenbach, W. E., & Taylor, R. L., Eds.) published by Westview Press.

From the book jacket: “The sixth edition continues its interdisciplinary approach to the study of leadership. Reviewing hundreds of articles published since the fifth edition, Rosenbach and Taylor have collected new, quality essays describing components of leadership such as vision, values, culture, development and outcomes. This new material, combined with classic essays from prior editions, forms a collection of work that clearly illustrates the contradictions and paradoxes of leadership from historical to contemporary perspectives and global to individual considerations. The interdisciplinary approach to presentations of cutting-edge research and applications of leadership set this book apart from other collections. Contemporary issues are updated to reflect the best thinking of our time.”

The article addresses leadership in the public sector. It analyzes the impact of leader, follower and situational variables on unit and organizational effectiveness in public organizations, arguing that the context of public work creates a greater need for charismatic leadership behaviors, adaptive culture development and an understanding of the role of crisis in public work. The book contains 21 articles — other authors with articles in the sixth edition include James Kouszes and Barry Posner, Marshall Sashkin, Warren Bennis, Daniel Goleman and Jay Conger.