Follow Radio & Television Coverage of Elon Poll on This Week’s “NC Spin”

Approximately a quarter of a million North Carolinians will learn firsthand about the Elon Poll this weekend during the broadcast of the weekly independent public policy talk show “NC Spin.” The show airs 28 times each week in 15 television and radio markets in North Carolina, as well as via a weekly web cast from the show’s home page.

For a complete list of the broadcasts this weekend, as well as information about the web cast, visit and select “times and stations.”

Elon TV students and staff, under the direction of Linda Lashendock, recorded this week’s “NC Spin” show live in Whitley Auditorium on Tuesday evening, March 14 before an audience of approximately sixty students, faculty and community members.

If your spring break finds you in North Carolina this weekend, tune in to “NC Spin” and see firsthand how the Elon Poll affects the development of public policy in North Carolina and the Southeastern U.S.

To view a series of still photos from the taping, visit the URL below and click on the album “NC Spin.”