Winter Term to focus on service, leadership in global society

A special group of Winter Term 2007 courses will be connected to the common theme of “Making a Difference: Service and Leadership in a Global Society.” Study abroad opportunities will take students to diverse places such as the Pacific Rim, Peru, Greece and Australia. Details...

This is the seventh year that Elon has offered Winter Term courses with a common theme. During January, students will examine the forces, large and small, that confront members of society in public and private life. The first day of Winter Term is Jan. 3, with final exams scheduled for Jan. 24.

More than 30 courses are being offered that address the Winter Term 2007 theme. Various academic departments and disciplines are offering theme-based courses, including these:

  • Business 171-Global Business Environment-Students will analyze the global economic, political and cultural patterns affecting international business. The course will also provide an overview of trade alliances, free trade vs. protectionism, and global financial markets
  • General Studies 269-Women and Global Leadership-This course will help women understand the leadership and managerial issues surrounding women in organizations. The class will also tackle questions such as: What are the valued attributes and behaviors of women and men in the workplace? How do women define and find career success?
  • General Studies 308-Health Care Strategies for the 21st Century-The lack of health care in the underdeveloped world and the challenge for the U.S. to provide high-quality universal health care while keeping taxpayers’ burden manageable are issues that will be addressed in this course
  • General Studies 343-Counter-Terrorism: Are We Heading for Another 9/11?-New forms of terrorism emerged in the wake of 9/11, global in orientation and more lethal in their effects. This course will point out some of the major dilemmas facing decision-makers in examining the main aspects of the war on terrorism.

Courses under the “Making a Difference” theme are designed to explore cutting-edge material in new and imaginative ways, including team teaching, travel, independent work, joint projects and public presentations.

There are also abundant study abroad opportunities for students during Winter Term 2007. Students will study business in the Pacific Rim, visit ancient Greece to study the classics, learn about Aboriginal Australia and travel to Ireland to study its literature, culture and history.

Elon was the nation’s top-ranked master’s-level university for study abroad programs in the 2006 Open Doors report by the Institute of International Education. The annual Open Doors report ranks colleges and universities by the number and percentage of students who participate in international study. About 64 percent of Elon students study abroad at least once during their time at the university.