Student Receives Award for Conference Program

Jill Medhus, a rising junior, received a Top 40 Program Award for her presentation, “The Most Creative Program,” at the National Association of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH) National Conference in Oshkosh, WI hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh June 1-4.

Jill’s program was selected from over 300 presented programs based on the program evaluation of over 2000 conference delegates from over 250 Colleges and Universities across the United States and world.

The program was titled “The Most Creative Program at NACURH 2007,” and focused on how developing individual creativity can greatly enhance teamwork, as well as ways to promote programs and organizations on campus. Her program focused on creative ways to promote programs and organizations on campus. Jill is this past year’s Public Relations Chair for Elon’s Resident Student Association (RSA) and is this year’s Campus Relations Chair.