Patterson, Whittington, Somers featured in national business magazine

Elon’s forward thinking approach to campus facilities was featured in the July/August “Business Officer” magazine cover story, titled “Greater Expectations.”  The article details growing demands that students and parents place upon universities to provide top-notch amenities and services.

“It’s a given that we’re going to experience increased expectations,” says Gerald Whittington, Elon’s vice president of business, finance and technology. “Instead of managing expectations, we try to anticipate what students want so that we can get in front of a request before students ask for it.”

Vickie Somers, director of auxiliary services, described Elon’s multiple food service options based on student focus groups and a road trip to tour other campus dining facilities.

The article also cites single bedrooms in the newly constructed Oaks apartments as an example of how Elon has adapted to today’s students’ housing desires. Most students have not had to share a bedroom when growing up at home.

Elon’s excellent student healthcare services also received mention in the five-page story. On-campus treatment and pharmaceutical services save students the time and energy of seeking off-campus care.

“We believe students are more likely to follow through with care if they can be seen, treated and medicated at the same place,” says Jana Lynn Patterson, assistant vice president for student life.

Expectations for single bedrooms and complete health care, among other demands, are to be expected from a generation of parents who have been through college themselves, says Whittington.

“Many of today’s parents are sophisticated consumers of education,” Whittington says. “These are individuals who have been there and who want the college experience to be even better for their sons and daughters.”

Elon tries to inform parents about campus services and the transition
from high school to college during orientation events. Patterson called
these efforts “proactive communication.”

“We provide parents the
same information that we provide students, whether that is information
about campus services or sexual assault policies,” Patterson says.

– By Olivia Hubert-Allen