Vanderbilt law professor to speak on discrimination Sept. 27

The Department of Economics and the Love School of Business invite the Elon community to the following presentation:

“When Do We Know It’s Discrimination?  Gender, Skin Color, and Wages”  by Joni Hersch, Vanderbilt University
Men earn more than women, and workers with lighter skin color earn more than workers with darker skin color. Is a white man really the best worker? Or does discrimination play a role? How would we know?

When: Sept. 27, 6:30 pm
Where: Koury Business Center, room 101

There will also be a Q&A at 4 pm in KoBC 101 followed by a reception at 5 pm hosted by the Economics Club in the Atrium.

Joni Hersch joined Vanderbilt University Law School as Professor of Law and Economics in 2006, with secondary appointments in the Department of Economics and the Owen Graduate School of Management. Over the course of her career, Hersch has published numerous articles in the leading economics journals on gender differences in labor market outcomes, the economics of home production, law and economics, job risks, and product safety regulation. Her recent research examines discrimination on the basis of darker skin tone among immigrants and African Americans, public perception of climate change risks, and smoking regulations. Hersch currently serves on the editorial board of Social Science Quarterly. Before joining the Vanderbilt faculty, Professor Hersch was an adjunct Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. She was a Professor of Economics at the University of Wyoming from 1989-99 and has been a Visiting Professor of Economics at Northwestern, Caltech, Duke, and Harvard.

Steve DeLoach
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Economics – KoBC 136