Howard Arner is a 1963 Elon graduate and Beverly Frye Arner is a 1966 graduate. Their gift of a charitable remainder trust qualifies them for the Order of the Oak, Elon’s planned giving society.
“I think it’s important to give back,” Beverly Arner says. “I am impressed with the continuity at Elon. It’s a very special place.”
“Elon needs assistance from people it has served in the past,” Howard Arner says. “Elon was very much responsible for any success I had.”
Howard Arner was recruited by former football coach Sid Varney to join Elon’s football team in 1960 following his tour of duty in the U.S. Army. He was a football standout and graduated with a degree in math before launching a successful career in the insurance industry.
Howard Arner retired in 2001 as president and chief operating officer of Insurance Solutions Group, where he managed technology for insurance products and services. He previously was chief executive officer of Network Data Processing Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa; senior vice president of Continuum Co., Austin, Tex.; executive vice president of American General; and president of Financial Computer Services.
Both Howard and Beverly Arner served on Elon’s Board of Visitors until he was elected as an Elon University trustee in 2006. Beverly continues to serve on the Board of Visitors.
The Arners are members of the IMPACT Circle, the premier annual giving group of the Phoenix Club, and supported the campaign to build Rhodes Stadium. They are also members of The Elon Society Chairman’s Circle.