Dozens of freshman competed Nov. 1 in what has become an annual tradition among first-year physics students. The “2007 Physics Bridge Challenge” pit teams of three or four students against one another in the McMichael science building.
The Society of Physics Students organizes the annual competition for the freshman physics classes. Now in its seventh year, the contest tasks teams with using no more than 100 Popsicle sticks and glue to construct bridges at least 100 centimeters long. The bridges must contain an S-hook in the middle to support a suspended bucket that is filled with sand until the design gives way.
Kelly Barnhurst, Chris Chipman and Laura Schmitt constructed the winning entry, which they called “Missing Sock.” The bridge supported 9 kilograms, or just shy of 20 pounds. “Missing Sock” edged out “BoBoe Bridge,” which held 8.9 kilograms, for the title.
Erin Boomgarden, Becca Childers, Olivia Gomez and Anna Yarborough comprised the “BoBoe Bridge” team.