“Metropolis Remix: Live” opens March 7

Friday, March 7
Metropolis Remix: Live, a performance and
installation by artists Robb Fladry, Barry Jones, and Kell

Art/Performance/Video/Music/Party, Arts West Gallery, 6-7

Metropolis Remix:
is a performance
version of Fritz Lang’s 1927 dystopian film,
Metropolis, which has become one of the cornerstones
in 20th and 21st century art. Robb Fladry, Barry Jones and
Kell Black — all professors and instructors at Austin
Peay State University — have rescored and resliced
Lang’s masterpiece into a lively, insightful and
entertaining 30 minutes with beautiful visuals and rocking

The installation, based off of the
performance, continues through April 15.