Elon students attend Debating for Democracy Conference in NYC

Jennifer Burns (left) and Justin Usle
Two students and two faculty members traveled to New York City on April 6 to attend a Debating for Democracy Conference hosted by Project Pericles, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating students to become active citizens.

Justin Usle and Jennifer Burns, accompanied by professors Tom Arcaro and Aaron Peeks, joined with students from more than 20 universities to discuss the empowerment of students to provoke social change.

Attending students were required to write legislative proposals to be selected for presentation and judging before a panel of former United States senators. The winning proposal was awarded $4,000 benefiting the social cause entailed in the proposal.

Directors of non-profit organizations and numerous leaders of civic engagement spoke on current political issues focusing on student’s role in becoming social entrepreneurs and encouraging their peers to become involved.

Students agreed to create a network that would enable them to pool resources among their various campuses and focus on a goal of collective activism.

“I found it refreshing and inspiring to see such a large group of young leaders from across the nation come together to express their sincere desire and dedication to see our generation enact real social change,” Burns said.

– Information courtesy of Jennifer Burns