The group included sociology professor Tom Arcaro, director of Project Pericles at Elon, along with associate professor Bird Stasz and students Laura Sinden, Lisa Nicolaison, and Tesla Mellage. They presented the trailer of their documentary “Painting Without Permission,” which tells the story of the Zapatista Army in Chiapas and its fight to help the indigenous communities in the state.
The documentary will be screened this July.
With the goal of helping improve indigenous children’s education in Chiapas, the Class of 2008 traveled to Chiapas in January and helped paint an autonomous school in the small community of Suytic.
Redwood’s Group’s support is of great importance to the Periclean Scholars. Their willingness to learn about the Zapatista struggle makes the class’ effort in Chiapas even more worthwhile.
– Information supplied by professor Tom Arcaro