Elon parents make gift to support international study

Parents Robert and Sandralee Barker have made a $25,000 gift to fund
the Robert D. and Florence N. Barker International Study Endowment. The
Barkers are the parents of Suzanne, an Elon senior.

The scholarship, named in memory of Suzanne’s grandparents, will help
make study abroad available to students who would not otherwise be able
to participate because of financial reasons. Preference will be given
to students from New Hampshire, Maine or Vermont, and to students who
have not traveled abroad. The scholarship may be used to assist with
tuition, housing or airfare. 

Suzy Barker, an English major who also is studying professional writing
and rhetoric, has participated in four study abroad programs at Elon.
The Barkers say they have been impressed with their daughter’s
experiences abroad and want to make these life-changing opportunities
available to additional students.

This gift will be counted toward Elon’s upcoming fundraising campaign, which will focus on building the university’s endowment.