Leupold, Waters present at national leadership conference

Chris Leupold, assistant professor of psychology, and Rex Waters, assistant dean of students, delivered a presentation at the Leadership Educators Institute held Dec. 4-6 at the University of Maryland in College Park, Md.  The program abstract for their presentation, Infusing Individual Development and Coaching in Undergraduate Leadership Education, appears below.  The Leadership Educators Institute is a biannual conference sponsored by the NASPA, ACPA, the National Clearinghouse for Leadership Programs, NASPA Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, and ACPA Commission for Student Involvement.

Abstract: Two competencies increasingly rated as critical for today’s leaders are the abilities to develop one’s self and develop others. This program will describe how professionally-developed developmental models were incorporated into a semester-long project in an undergraduate course that aimed to enhance student’s knowledge and skills in these areas.