DPT faculty and students present at national conference

 Physical therapy faculty and students presented their research findings at the Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association on Feb. 11-12. The conference was held in Las Vegas, Nev. The following presentations were given (faculty listed first):

Bill Andrews and Sue Chinworth with Brad Kessler ’09, Tim McHugh ’09 and Liz Storholt ’08. Impact of Large Retail Establishments on Community Ambulation Distance Requirements.

Sue Chinworth and Bill Andrews with Bill Jordan ’09 and Stephanie Thompson Boswell ’09. Functional Community Ambulation: Gait Speed Requirements for Safely Crossing the Street.

Paula Dibiasio with Leslie Durke ’09, Rachel Gunther ’09 and Amie Miles ’09. The Accessibility and Efficacy of an Individualized Aquatic Program in a Community Facility for a Young Man with Spastic Diplegia.

Steve Folger. Modulation of Tactile Responsiveness in Somatosensory Cortex by Noxious Heat: Implications for Chronic Pain Patients.

Steve Folger. Assessing Somatosensory Cortical Function Noninvasively: The Efficts of the N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Antagonist Dextromethorphan on Vibrotactile Adaptation.

Jane Freud and Debbie Stetts with Amber Hill ’09, Angela O’Daniel ’09 and Meagan Stobie ’09. An Intervention of Trunk Stabilization and Locomotor Training in a Patient with Ataxia.

Four of the aforementioned students were able to attend and present at the conference because of the support of the Graduate Student Research Fund.