Powell building offices relocate for summer

Elon University’s Office of the President and its Office of Admissions will be relocated to different areas of campus this summer while work crews renovate Powell building to expand office suites and prepare space for the new Interactive Media graduate program.

The president’s office will move to the first floor of Kenan Pavilion in the Academic Village and the admissions offices will room in Colonnades A in the Koury Business Center quad. All telephone numbers will remain the same.

Scheduled renovations include the addition of an elevator to the building, rearrangement of the top floors in preparation for graduate students, and the reconfiguration of space for the admissions office, said Sandra Fields, assistant to the president.

The history and geography department, a longtime occupant of the second floor in Powell, is moving to Lindner Hall when it opens this summer. Its departure leaves room for the iMedia program.

Lynn Cutler, director of application processing, on May 26 oversaw the transfer of thousands of files from the Admissions Office on the first floor of Powell.

Admissions administrators said they, too, look forward to the changes.

“One major benefit is that instead of admissions being in four different buildings, our communications team, presently housed in the Holland House, will move to Powell 3rd floor – and several other staff members will be up there as well,” said Greg Zaiser, dean of admissions.

Zaiser said that with the new renovations, graduate admissions staff members will be across the hall from one another, rather than being on opposite ends of the floor.

Renovations are expected to be complete by mid August.

During the summer, if any families wish to meet with admissions staff members, space will be provided in the Moseley Center to accommodate their needs.

According to Brad Moore, associate director of planning, design, and construction, the renovations will incorporate more sustainable building systems, particularly in plumbing fixtures, lighting, heating and cooling.

Renovations are expected to be complete by early August.

– Written by Emily Eng, Office of University Relations

Workers on May 26 moved the Office of the President and the Office of Admissions from Powell building to their respective summer locations. The 39-year-old building will be renovated this summer.