Column by Tom Arcaro published in (Greensboro, N.C.) News and Record

The News & Record newspaper in Greensboro, N.C., published a column this weekend by sociology professor Tom Arcaro, who shared preliminary research into the stigma atheists feel when they publicly share their views on faith and religion.

Tom Arcaro

“Is there a place for atheists in America?” ran in the June 28, 2009, edition of the paper’s Ideas section.

From the column:

“Research I conducted last fall uncovered some unsettling trends. More than 8,200 atheists from around the globe completed a survey to share examples of the stigma they encounter after they tell family and friends of their views.

A general consensus can be found in the words of one man: “People have believed that I don’t have a sense of morality because I don’t believe in God.”

Respondents feel mistrusted and, in many cases, feel compelled to hide their unbelief. They are your plumber, the nurse who checks your blood pressure, the mechanic who fixes your car, the soldier fighting in Iraq and the pilot who lands your plane.”

To read the full story, click on the link to the right of this page.