Watson Scholars reunite in Homecoming reception

Reflecting on their experience at Elon University and their careers since leaving campus, alumni from the Watson Scholarship Program met for a Homecoming reception in the Multicultural Center on Oct. 23, a gathering that included some of the original class of scholars now celebrating their fifth reunion.

The Watson Scholarship Program was established in 1999 by a gift from the estate of Leon “Doc” Watson ’25 and his wife, Lorraine, who provided the funds for North Carolina high school students with a record of academic achievement who need help financing their education.

Watson Scholars receive $10,000 in scholarships and grants each year in combination with other aid to meet full financial needs. They also receive a $4,000 one-time grant to fund a study abroad experience. Scholars work closely with faculty mentors, eventually serve as mentors to younger students in the program, take part in the freshman Emerging Leaders Program and participate in service opportunities.

“We were a little family with similar backgrounds and experiences,” said LaToya Marcus ’04, who wasn’t able to attend the reception but visited campus for other Homecoming activities. “It made it easier to connect and to feel we were going through this journey together at Elon. I’m still connected with my friends who are Watson scholars.”

Leon Williams, director of the Multicultural Center, lauded the scholars Friday evening as they shared advice with current students who also attended the reception.

“I applaud all the trailblazers in this room for setting the standard of quality at Elon,” said Williams, who also praised the efforts of his predecessor, L’Tanya Richmond, in helping the first several classes of scholars before leaving Elon in 2008. “We continue to recognize her legacy and the things she contributed to the Multicultural Center.”

To watch Watson Scholar alumni share what the program means to them, click on the link to the right.