WakeMyNC.com: Open Meetings Lesson Comes After-The-Fact For Wake Board

From Wake.MyNC.com (12/4/09): Wake County's newest school board members got a primer Friday on the state's open meetings law. Ironically, it came after their first meeting, when many people complained that they //violated the spirit of that very law.

At Tuesday’s full board meeting, the new board majority introduced eight new items to the agenda without prior notice to their fellow board members. According to Friday’s lesson, they didn’t break the law, but they may have come close.

“It’s uncommon to have agenda items added,” said Board Attorney Ann Majestic, who confirmed that the action was legitimate, but not in keeping with board practice.

“The laws are very specific,” said board member Deborah Prickett. “But what was done was completely in order. It was completely legal.”

But the sudden moves of the new board majority, which also elected a new chair six months ahead of the usual election, planted seeds of uncertainty in the public.

“I’m concerned about what’s going on,” said magnet parent Amy Lee. “And I want to be aware of everything that’s going on with this school board.”

After the orientation session, board member Debra Goldman said things might have gone differently on Tuesday if she and her colleagues had been better informed on the process.

“I think in hindsight, it probably would have been good to let the public see us deliberate more,” she said.

Newly-elected board members ran on a platform of listening to parents. That’s what Lettice Rhodes is counting on. She cleared her calendar to attend Friday’s orientation session to watch and learn.

“I don’t have confidence [that they’ll listen],” she said. “However, if I don’t try, then I know I won’t be heard.”